Promoting the fight against MND
I went to the cinema to see The Hobbit this christmas and before the film this moving video for MNDA was on, using a family that was featured in a recent TV show 'DIY SOS' - where their house was adapted to allow the father, who has Motor Neurone Disease, to be with his family for as long as possible. It was one of their most memorable shows and this is a very sensitive and moving use of a case study that i think will help raise awareness and understanding of this terrible disease.
My neighbour Graham died recently from MND, he also had 3 young children and this reminded me so much about what they went through.
For the last 3 years we have been working to raise money for The South London MND Association, as well as 2 other local charities (as Graham didn't want it to just be about him) and have raised nearly £30,000 - it has been hard work but well worth it.
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